yesterday was full of laughter yea? same goes to the day before.
whoa, I've never stop laughing since mon till friday in class..
All thanks to my team mates mann..
I seem to be quite moody..its not becos my auntie from far away land visited me, i think its becos I lack of good sleep. I had been dreaming about me in school and etc. And I was trying to solve the problem of the day. so, I was thinking real hard in my dream till i'm exhausted even when im sleep.
Lemme share with you some random stuffs:
1. mingshen pronounced van der waals forces as bang the wall forces
2. wang chao and his close gal friend pronouced oil as oreo
3. chris kept on saying ga-ra-kiat-kiat and told me not to laugh so hard if not my pee would came out and u wouldn't stop
4. He spammed my facebook with I grew carrots for living and I bathed my pet in the living room ; commented that I didn't noe how to socialised, AND etc.
5. Clement kept on pronoucing my name as Shitting. So i called him LEMON TEA. How did it arrived there? His name was clement tay. sounds like clementi. Clementi sounds like lemon tea. Lemon Tea and Urine are arnd the same colour, so isn't he one of a kind too? Excretory products?
6. When I told clement that lemon tea and urine has the same colour, he said that i was colour blind.
7. I drew chris on msn and sent it to eliza. She drew jeff. Jeff drew chris. And, I asked who's drawing is cuter? ELIZA said its mine!! :D
8. Yi Ting drew me a devil face smiling when I drew her a smiley on msn
9. I saw this on chris' lappy, "I'm done honey!".
10. I was telling jon lim zhi wei abt my friend pronouced van der waal as bang the wall. He was asking me whats van der waal? and I told him it a weak force found in oil. And he concluded that so it bangs the wall into the wall.
11. THE LIST goes on.
I'm going out with Kimmy to watch the Great singapore sing-along tonight!! YAY!
And I came back!!
Here's the pics!
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