Saturday, December 28, 2013

It doesn't surprise me

Yes, my hopes on him are vanished. Although the news didn't surprise me, but I was kinda disappointed. Or rather, it affected me greatly. I can't, but to say how much it pains me every single time..

Why do I always fall in love with those who doesn't love me? Who doesn't care about me? These characters and qualities always attracts me so much.

If only you knew I had been waiting to spend this Christmas with you since last Christmas, will it make a diff?
The answer is clearly no. It's always No.

All I can do, and can to move on and still be your loyal friend. If you didn't know, I am always here for you. I missed you all the time.. Continually checking my phone, continually looking for new movies or nice restaurants/place/things/happenings to ask you out - Just continually longing to meet you (in desperation).

Since now you have found the girl whom you love, so be it. I will not hinder but will give you my utmost sincere blessings to both of you. Be loved by her. Embrace her. I hope she'll be able to love you more than I could ever give.

As for me, I really hope that I will be able to meet the One and Only man who truly loves me, and that I will be able to fall in love with one and Only. If he could actually appear to me when I turn 22. I will be more than amazed.

Hey readers, if you hadn't know.. I made a promise since I was young. To only be attached when I turnt 22. Cause I simply love the number 22. I hope by next year, this curse will be lifted from my life.. and I won't continue to be so unfortunate in love.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.