Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Time flew - Dreadful moment in progress

Hi readers!

It's been about 2 months! These two months I've spent it entirely on studying and working..and unfortunately, falling sick. My health has been deteriorating...Diagnosed with illiotibial band syndrome. This IT band syndrome is common in athletes. So I guess my job nature has made me an athlete - climbing up and down the stairs, walking briskly to get things done ASAP. Oh wells.

Relationship wise? Still very unfortunate. Nothing worth mentioning at all I guess. I don't know if I should really continue to go after him till he realised that I really like him, or should I just stop cause it seems like he is still clueless and have no intention or does not like me at all.

So during these two months, I've spared myself from getting all up about him by numbing my senses with books and more lecture notes. It seems like he really doesn't care about me cause when I stopped talking to him for more than a month, he doesn't even try to catch up with me. ZERO chats.

Surely this makes me more disappointed in relationship because this has proven that I am really VERY UNFORTUNATE in love matters.

Tomorrow is my final examination and after this, I hope that I can regain back my confidence. And hopefully still have the strength to continue my pursuit :)