Monday, July 12, 2010

I'll let go. It's a better choice

Dear readers

Perhaps somehow, have you ever thought that for every person that walked into your life, have its purpose? What is it exactly? Have you all ever thought about that? Its a rather important question for you to think about...because just letting life pass and not trying to see the true purpose, does made life meaningless and made you feel lost.

Anyway, back to the secret crush thing... It hasn't been really good..nor has it been worse..
I just felt that I need to stop holding to those unrealistic hopes. I've been imaginating the things that we can do. The cookies that I MUST learn and the way I should treat you :) However, I feel that being in one sided love isn't any way near "productive". I had to let go of those thoughts, perhaps feelings too.

Letting go is when you have to let go something so precious (which you have been holding on to).
But giving out is when you felt the thing is something that you can't achieve ; something that you can't make it achievable (makes u feel hopeless) , or you just don't give a try and had never hold on to it.

Its just different...between letting go and giving up...
Let me give you an example:

Its like a guy loves a girl. And likewise for the girl too. But due to some difficult circumstances, the girl had let go of the feelings that she had for the guy. But if the guy knows that she's leaving and did not try to keep her to stay, he's giving up..and that's a total loser. If he made his best effort to try to keep the girl to stay, hugging her and don't let her go, he is not giving up. But if the girl choose to leave him still (probably for a good reason), and he decided to let her go, then he's not a total loser..

Because or perhaps, when you let go of something, you actually gained something too. WHAT'S THAT SOMETHING?! Its fact. Yes, it's fact. You'll then know that whether both of you are for each other. Cause if the girl realised that she had been thinking and she just needed him when shes far far away, she'll get back to him sooner or later.. So, if things are meant to be yours, it will be yours one day. I always believe that :D

Well, of course, there's a reason why we all have hormones. Its something that its involuntary..
My heart might be beating very fast when I see him, but I can stop myself from thinking of ways to get his attention! :]]

Let my life be only Yours, my Lord, my God...
Only You can take the first place in my heart.
Right now it's so so hard to focus on You......
I had been thinking about him too much.....
I see him in my dreams.. I love the way I could get to close to him...
But its not right. Just let my live my life freely in Your will.


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