Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Give time some time to heal

Dear readers

Just about a month ago, I broke down again because I realized how much I wish he was the one with me, hanging out together and having fun. Telling myself that he's my entire forest and not just one tree.

But recently I realized that my heart starts to grow less fonder, not much pain and sour feelings. I realized that I couldn't forget about him. I know he still exists in my heart. However, I seems to be able to overcome this pain though I don't feel it at all.

Sometimes this pain reminds me of the leg injury that my friend is currently having. He said that the pain is constantly there, and he's been bearing with the pain. It seems like he's used to the pain. Sometimes it hurts so much, but sometimes, it does hurts but not to the extend of breaking down (in tears). So I guess I'm used to the pain..

I just have to tell myself to give time some time to heal.
and also, to let go and let God.
To let go, so that God can do wonderful things in my life.
It's because of what I've been holding on to doesn't give Him a chance to change my life.
To put it in short..I've caused myself so much misery.
No wonder people always say that the biggest enemy is always self.
I couldn't agree more.

Bye Readers
(I hope you guys won't become like me one day. Rmb to let go and let God. He always have a better plan.)

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