Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Just some random stuffs I wanna share while I'm in the toilet:

1. I was thinking about the dream that I had during one of the naps recently. I think I'm having huge craving for Vitagen and I was thristy while I'm having naps. So yea, I dreamt that I was holding the Vitagen that I just took out from the freezer. It felt hot. So I was wondering in my dream why was vitagen freshly taken out from the freezer can be warm..so I opened my eyes...and I realised that I was holding on to my bolster instead! :/

Den I was laughing to myself in the toilet. (oh, btw, I was doing the "business" in the toilet) :D

2. Den I started thinking about the song "haunted" by Taylor Swift. I was wondering, if ben heard me singing to him, " Come on Come on don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured it out. Some thing gone terrible wrong. You all I wanted.", confirm he'll leave. Why? Cos I don't have a Taylor Swift voice..and it's awful! Well, if I have Taylor Swift voice and by singing that to him so that he won't leave, I seriously wish that I have her voice now!

okay, whatever. That's totally silly.

3. Oh, guess wad, I started to hearing "dropping-the-faeces" sound from the next cubicle.
It was like continuous lah! I was thinking to myself, hmm...she really had a lot of gold in her rectal. And start to laugh to myself. I mean..why am I feeling so happy today? Simply happy. Haven't felt like this for sooo long.

4. When I start to think about farting like a motobike, I laughed harder.

5. Finally, I've cleared all the faeces from my rectal!

And just now on my way to school, my phone scared the people in the train.
Cos the earpiece came off and the music started blasting. It happened TWICE.

Oh, and Jason MISS MY BURP! I'm quite thankful cos people in my class doesn't complain about my burp. They just comment about it. Like..OH MY GOSH! MY GOODNESS! THIS IS REALLY LOUD! HAHAHA! and more! Some of them miss my burp!! I'm so happy that burping can make some of them laugh! oh btw, Wanni's burp sounds like a man who burps. Its loud and low! super funny!

Oh, i hope that the pharmaceutics UT will be manageable and that I can finish all the questions!
I felt really depressed about the dietary supplement UT cos I didn't manage to finish the calculations and advices! I know how to do!! I really know.. I just need more time. ARGHS..!..
Oh well, I shouldn't keep thinking about sad and depressing stuff and remind myself how much time I left before he leave.. :(


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