Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life is great..but it could be even greater..if only..if were there.

Hey readers!

This is really a long week mann!
Studying and studying BUT...

Val's day with kimmy was funny thou.
Camworhing pics and farting in the toilet away.
I had lotsa air in my body mann..I was rather astonished by the amount of gas I've ejected.
haha! :D Kim was such a lovely girl mann.. Seriously I had a wonderful dinner and the food was good too! Paying only $4 for a $17+ meal cos she had voucher! I can't stand it but to laugh at the amount of weird faces that kimmmy and I can make. Seriously, we're gifted to be a clown mann.

Today's ellice farewell was amazing! It was not boring at all! we've played 3 games. and the last game was super duper funny. It's like imitating wad the card order the players to do. So we have to memorise the actions when we take our turns. And Timo was super funny. Because when I did the "applying-perfume" action, he tot I was digging my ears! And he made the muack sound when the action was blowing kisses. Nicholas was even best. when he took the card that says buckle up and say give me a kiss, his face glowed face as though he had just applied a whole box of blusher onto his face! Actually there was a lot more things that was funny. But most of the time..They're laughing at my evil laughter. hehehe,hahhaa, eh eh eh ...
Well, Ruth was damm funny too. She can't seems to repeat the moofing action. She just died when she did the first one. HAH! Oh mann..I just loved the game. cos I could see all the epic faces. Too bad, he wasn't there. I wish he was there...

I've finished writting his birthday card already. HAHA! its super kiddo.
I'm like really using all the space that I had. It's like less than A5 size. Some of the things I wrote was super lame thou.
Anyway, I know..He won't like someone like me..But that still doesn't stop me from liking him. Sighs, what could stop me from liking him mann?..Even if he gets a girlfriend...I think I might still continue to like him. Its just that I'd get jealous and abit snorty. But it doesn't matter if he got a girlfriend a not because one thing I know, a lot of girls are looking in his way. So jealousy just come in so easily. These things seriously ensnares me a lot. I have to look to God and be filled with Him and just Him alone. But why is it so hard when its so simple to do it?

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